Head of Department

Tamás Pázmándi

Tel: +(36-1)-392-2222/1361

Fax: +(36-1)-395-9293

E-mail: pazmandi.tamas@ek-cer.hu

The Radiation Protection Department was established in January 2012 and researchers of the department deal with several aspects of radiation protection. The main research activities focus on identifying the uncertainties of the measured or calculated results and on the ways to reduce them. The scope of the activities in the department is on

  • personal dosimetry, including measurement and modelling of internal and external exposure to ionizing radiation.
  • environmental dosimetry with the aim to increase the accuracy of real-time, periodic and sampling measurements used in environmental radiological monitoring;
  • model, algorithm and software development for calculations of atmospheric and hydrospheric activity dispersion in the environment and inside the buildings as well as estimating dose consequences for emergency preparedness and safety analysis of nuclear facilities.

In addition to perform safety analyses of operating and planned nuclear power plants, researchers of the department are involved in the preparation of several regulatory guidelines in the fields of monitoring of internal exposure of workers, optimization of environmental radiation monitoring and verifying compliance with atmospheric release criteria in safety analysis of nuclear facilities.

Models for atmospheric dispersion, dry and wet deposition, cloudshine and groundshine doses, dose consequences of inhalation and ingestion were developed in the recent years.

SINAC environmental simulator developed to follow the consequences of radioactive releases of a (hypothetical) nuclear accident is used as an interactive decision support system in the Hungarian Atomic Energy Authority Centre for Emergency Response, Training and Analysis.

In the recent years an improved method and software tool was developed for confirming compliance with release criteria for nuclear facilities. The method is used for safety analyses of operating and planned nuclear power plants in Hungary.

Our publications:


The colleagues of the department

Tamás Pázmándi – Head of department

Lydia Buncsák

Dorottya Jakab

Anikó Krisztina Jécsai

Annamária Korodi-Pántya

Zsófia Rékasi

Csilla Rudas

Márton Zagyvai