Head of Department
Péter Völgyesi
Tel: +(36-1)-392-2222 ext: 2604
E-mail: volgyesi.peter@ek-cer.hu
The activities of the Nuclear Security Department (NSD) cover research and practical application in the field of nuclear security and nuclear safeguards, as well as professional support for domestic and international organizations and companies. The research, method development and technical service tasks are carried out in several closely cooperating groups: non-destructive (gamma spectrometry and neutron measurement), destructive (mass spectrometry), dosimetry, instrument development, detection and mobile expert support team, and a detector testing laboratory.
One of the main activities of the NSD is to participate in combating illicit trafficking of nuclear materials and nuclear terrorism (misuse of radioactive materials). The professional on-site analysis and laboratory measurement of unknown nuclear or other radioactive materials found or seized (ie nuclear forensic examination), is delegated to the Centre for Energy Research by a Governmental Decree (490/2015 (XII.30). The NSD maintains a mobile expert support team and a preparedness service to carry out the activities described by this Decree and, if necessary, to perform on-site investigations and to transport radioactive materials with unknown origin to the KFKI site. The other task of the mobile laboratory is to secure major public events with its hand-held and remote radiation detection capacity. In the field of nuclear forensics, EK was nominated to a Collaborating Center of the International Atomic Energy Agency in 2016.
A detection test laboratory, with which we have successfully participated in international projects and comparisons, is operated at our department to further support nuclear security. Due to the experience on detection capabilities and wide range of nuclear and other radioactive materials available at our site, the team of the NSD is working closely together with radiation detector manufacturers to develop more efficient and faster radiation detectors (e.g. portal monitors and border security systems).
In recent years, a special operating procedure has been developed for radiological crime scene management in close cooperation with the Hungarian Police to respond specific scenes where nuclear or other radioactive material is present. A training facility has been established to serve national and international purposes by providing an opportunity for first responders to test and practice operating procedures using various type of scenarios. Connecting to nuclear security the NSD is participating in several international projects.
NSD is carrying out scientific support activities related to the nuclear safeguards based on decades of relationships with the Paks Nuclear Power Plant, the Hungarian Atomic Energy Authority and the International Atomic Energy Agency.
The NSD also supports the Hungarian nuclear industry (mainly Paks Nuclear Power Plant) within the framework of long term cooperation with its research and development activities related to industrial applications (e.g. measuring the burn up of fuel assemblies, measuring the enrichment of fresh fuel assemblies, analysis of corrosion products). In addition, the department provides an expert background and performs professional tasks to support the various official activities of the Hungarian Atomic Energy Authority.
Our publications:
The colleagues of the department
Péter Völgyesi – Head of Department
Zsolt Csalótzky
Emese Csipa
Judith Pena Dembo
Gergely Dósa
Attila Gulyás
Zoltán Hlavathy
Nándor Kaposy
Péter Kirchknopf
Hedvig Éva Nagy
Krisztián Roland Soós
Katalin Zsuzsanna Szabó
Imre Szalóki
Éva Wagnerné Janeczky