President of the Board:
Attila Imre
Tel: +(36-1)-392 2222 ext: 3366, 1117
The operation of the Advisory Boards is regulated by the organizational and operational rules (Bylaws) of the Research Centre. The Internal Advisory Board of the Research Centre (KUTTA) is an internal advisory body of the General Director of the Centre, delivering opinions and giving advice (without interfering the questions of management) related to scientific matters. The KUTTA is the widest scientific forum of the Research Centre. The KUTTA performs various tasks related to its competence and defined by related laws and other regulations.
The members of the KUTTA are the actual Chiefs of the Institutional Scientific Councils (ITT) and the General Chief of the KUTTA, appointed by the General Director (it is possible to select one of the ITT Chiefs as General Chief). The members of the ITT-s are elected for 3-5 years by the researchers (holding PhD, CSc or DCs degrees) of the given institute among themselves. The ITT-members elect the Chiefs of the ITT-s among themselves for the above mentioned 3-5 years. Members and Chiefs can be re-elected.
The General Director and the Directors of the Institutes are not allowed to be members of The KUTTA. Since KUTTA-membership is connected to the ITTs, therefore the length is not regulated separately. The Chief of the KUTTA are appointed for 5-year cycle but can be nominated repeatedly. The decision-making of the KUTTA is based on the simple majority of the voting of members. In case of the equality of votes, casting vote will be given by the Chief of the KUTTA. Voting is valid only and if only the two-third of the KUTTA-members are present during the voting.
The primary duties of the KUTTA are:
- deliver opinions and advice concerning the goals, scientific concept and main research areas of the Centre,
- periodically review all main research topics of the Centre; provide its statement concerning expansion, modification or cancellation,
- delivers opinion concerning issues related to scientific education; ascertains the originality of PhD theses written in the Centre,
- organize local scientific workshops and lectures for renowned Hungarian and International scholars,
- reviews research proposal; suggests their support from the central budget,
- reviews research topics and evaluate their results,
- evaluates scientific reports,
- give opinions about matters related to the scientific work of the institutes, including scientific qualification of researchers,
- offer opinions about the promotion of researchers, based on the habilitation requirement of the Centre,
- advise the General Director in questions in various research-related topics upon request,
- evaluate the progress of junior researchers.
Some of the functions of the KUTTA related to a given institute can be passed to the responsible ITT.
The KUTTA meets as it is required, but at least four times a year. Meetings can be held online whenever it is necessary.
The General Director, the Director of Finance and the Directors of the Institutes can participate in the KUTTA-meetings without the right to vote.
Further documents related to the KUTTA can be found in the KUTTA-homepage.
Members of the KUTTA
Chair: Attila Imre
Representative of the AEKI TT: Gábor Veres
Representative of the EKBI: Szabina Török
Representative of the MFA: Levente Tapasztó