Head of Department:
Zoltán Hózer
Tel: +(36-1)-392 2586
Fax: +(36-1)-395 9293
E-mail: hozer.zoltan@ek-cer.hu
The experts of the Fuel and Reactor Materials Department investigate the behavior of nuclear fuel and different reactor components using experimental facilities, material testing methods and numerical modelling. The activities of the department focus on the topics related to VVER-440 reactors used at Paks NPP, but several projects deal with new reactor types and fusion technology. The department regularly participates in international EU, OECD and IAEA projects.
The fuel research covers normal operational conditions in the reactor, design basis and severe accidents, wet and dry storage of spent fuel assemblies. The experimental works focus on the investigation of zirconium alloy cladding applied in nuclear fuel elements. Separate effect tests on the oxidation, embrittlement, hydrogen uptake, plastic deformation and burst of Zr cladding material are investigated in small scale facilities. High temperature facilities have been built for the investigation of fuel behavior during incidents and accidents. Integral tests with electrically heated fuel assemblies can be performed in the CODEX facility. Computer codes are applied for the safety analyses of fuel behavior in nuclear power plants. The development and validation of codes is highly supported by the experimental programs.
The reactor materials investigations are carried out by two independent research groups:
- The Reactor Material Research Group investigates the irradiation effects of different materials using the BAGIRA irradiation channel in the Budapest Research Reactor. In order to characterize the aging of reactor vessel steel, mechanical tests and microstructure examinations are performed with specimens from the surveillance program at Paks NPP. Experimental testing and wide range of examinations are carried out with different perspective materials for fusion and fission technologies.
- The Structural Integrity Research Group deals with the development of theoretical and numerical models for the safety analyses of reactor vessels and other large NPP equipment. The experts of the group developed sophisticated numerical models for the investigation of pressurized thermal shock phenomena in nuclear reactor vessels, which allows them to carry out thermomechanical and fracture mechanics calculations for the existing VVER-440 units and for the planned VVER-1200 reactors.
Our publications:
Colleagues of the Fuel and Reactor Materials Department
Zoltán Hózer – Head of Department
Dániel Mihály Antók
Berta Bürger
Dávid Cinger
Kristóf Andor Csikós
Róbert Farkas
Tamás Miklós Fekete
Csaba Gáncs
Balázs Hargitai
Márton Király
Szilvia Móritz
Attila Nagy
Richárd Nagy
Tamás Novotny
Erzsébet Perez-Feró
Bálint Pudleiner
János Puhala
Sarolta Rétiné Kováts
Emese Slonszki
Barbara Somfai
Péter Szabó
Pál Szentannai
Ildikó Szenthe
Tibor Szűcs
Barbara Alma Tatai
Levente Tatár
Nóra Vér