Head of Service:
András Kocsonya
Tel: 06 1/392-2222 ext: 3342
Email: kocsonya.andras@ek.hun-ren.hu
The Environmental Protection Services of the Energy Research Centre is responsible for the nuclear environmental monitoring and partly for the radiation protection and personal dosimetry of the KFKI campus. Radiation protection and environmental monitoring have more than 50 years tradition at the campus. The continuous monitoring of the radiation levels at the campus are performed by 16 GM probes placed at different points of the campus, especially near to the entrances and those facilities, where emission of radiation may occur. These probes are on-line connected to the data-centre of the Service, where continuous duty is provided. There are 4 environmental monitoring stations at the KFKI Campus, where aerosol sampling and fall-out sampling devices are operated. The wastewater emissions are checked at the only exit point of the campus, near to the main entrance.
The collected samples at the listed stations are measured by beta and gamma spectroscopy. In the case of emission the radionuclide-selective analysis provides the identification of the source, and the performing of preventive measures. The laboratory of the service is equipped with low level beta and gamma detectors and several other radiation monitoring instruments. The personal dosimetry is performed by thermoluminescent dosimeters (TLD). Workers of the campus exposed to the risk of internal radioactive incorporation are regularly checked by a low-level whole-body counter. The Service operates the Central Radioisotope Storage Facility of the KFKI Campus, where the actually not used radioisotopes are stored. An irradiating pavilion is operated by the service. Different gamma and neutron sources are available, which are used mainly for calibration and testing of dosimeters. A mobile laboratory is also available, which is equipped with all necessary instruments to perform different kinds of environmental measurements in the field.
Graphic display of online measurement data
The colleagues of the department
András KOCSONYA – Head of Department
Károly BODOR