EK-CER researchers develop more efficient wastewater treatment technology using electron accelerator

Researchers from the Radiation Chemistry Department of the Energy and Environmental Safety Institute at the ELKH Centre for Energy Research (EK-CER), in collaboration with their Chinese partner, have developed a highly efficient technology for wastewater treatment using an electron accelerator. The new process involves irradiating the effluent from sewage treatment Read more…

Balázs Zábori space engineer at EK-CER introduced the HUNOR Astronaut Program at PMI’s 10th “Art of Projects” Conference in Budapest

PMI’s 10th jubilee Conference entitled “Art of Projects” was organized by the PMI Budapest, Hungarian Chapter. Tony Appleby (MBA, CDir, PMP Chair Emeritus, PMI), Honorary Chairman of the Project Management Institute – PMI Board of Directors opened the event on November 3, 2022. Balázs Zábori, EK-CER’s space engineer and program manager of Read more…

A big step in a small community: first shattering experiments with large hydrogen pellets as required for disruption mitigation in ITER

The Fusion Plasma Physics Department of ELKH’s Centre for Energy Research has been collaborating with the ITER Organization to build a support laboratory to develop and test technology for ITER’s Disruption Mitigation System (DMS). After less than two years, the test bench is fully operational and producing large pellets to Read more…

Exotic magnetism in graphite, when electrons crowd together on the surface

The interaction of electrons with each other and their topological properties result in quasiparticles such as Majorana bound states, fractionalized spin and charge, etc. Understanding the physics of these emergent quantum systems promises the realization of topological electronics, robust quantum bits, high temperature superconductivity, etc. Deep insights into new physics Read more…

Launch of the “PIANOFORTE” European partnership: research and education for radiation protection

Paris, June 13, 2022. The European Partnership for Radiation Protection Research will contribute to improving the protection of the public, workers, patients and the environment from environmental, occupational and medical exposure to ionizing radiation. It brings together 58 partners representing 22 European Union countries as well as the United Kingdom Read more…