The Centre for Energy Research has been re-designated for another 4 years period as the Collaborating Centre for nuclear forensics of the International Atomic Energy Agency

The Centre for Energy Research (EK) was designated to be the first Collaborating Centre for nuclear security (nuclear forensics) of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) for 4 years in 2016. Recently, this year, the EK has been redesignated for the period of 2021 – 2025. The nomination ceremony was attended by Ms. L. Evrard, Deputy Director-General, Director of the IAEA Nuclear Safety and Security Department, Ambassador Károly Dán, Head of the Hungarian UN Mission, …

Central European Training School of the Budapest Neutron Centre

On 28 October, CETS, the Central European Training School of the Budapest Neutron Centre (BNC) on Neutron Techniques has been successfully completed. The 2021 event was the 14th of the series since launched in 2001. The 15 hour on-line introductory theory course was organized from 4 to 8 October and the 15 hour in-person hands-on training at the BNC neutron instruments from 25 to 28 October. The web page of the school remains available with …

Reconstruction of concrete microstructure using complementarity of X-ray and neutron tomography

In the framework of the Visegrád Group (V4)-Korea Joint Research Program RADCON, the researchers of the Centre for Energy Research, Hungary, the Yonsei University, Seoul and the Institute of Fundamental Technological Research, Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw, achieved the successful reconstruction of the microstructure of concrete specimens by taking advantage of the complementary nature of X-ray and neutron computed tomography (CT). Neither tomogram alone was found to be suitable to properly describe the microstructure of concrete under …

The first flight of the RadMag instrument

RadMag, developed by the Space Research Department, Centre for Energy Research (EK), is an instrument suite for space radiation and magnetic field measurements to study space weather. RadMag might be a key instrument to the Distributed Space weather Sensor System (D3S) of the European Space Agency (ESA) or utilized as hosted payload on navigation, communication or Earth observation satellites). On August 17, 2021, at 03:47 CEST, the European Vega launcher successfully launched the VV19 mission, …

Trends of complex network properties are revealed in historic power grid data

In their recent work, Bálint Hartmann and Viktória Sugár have assembled the 70-year-long historical dataset (1949–2019) of the Hungarian power grid to perform complex network analysis, which is the first attempt to evaluate small-world and scale-free properties on long-term real-world data. These properties strongly correlate with the robustness of the infrastructure against attacks, e.g., cyber-physical attacks or malicious activities. The results were publised in Nature’s Scientific Reports. Study of complex networks representing real-world systems has …

Optimization of borosilicate glasses containing lanthanides for conditioning of high level radioactive waste

The final disposal of radioactive waste is an increasingly pressing issue for the present and for the future. According to the T/13628 act proposal, we have to take care of the waste generated in Hungary, applying the principle of multiple engineering barriers and depth protection. New borosilicate glassy samples suitable to retain the radionuclides, and to block access to the biosphere were successfully prepared by a straightforward and cost effective way by researchers from ELKH Centre for Energy Research. It was demonstrated that lanthanide oxides can be incorporated into the basic structure …

“From brain drain to brain gain”

We are pleased to announce that 14th International Conference on Solid State Chemistry and related activities of the project “From brain drain to brain gain at SSC2021” supported by Visegrad Fund (IVF22010227) have started on 14th June 2021. This four-day event is attended by more than 100 participants from 17 countries and 3 continents. Due to the current COVID-19 pandemic situation, the conference and project´s activities are running online. Consortium that implements the project involves: …

The Committee of the American Ceramic Society elected Dr. Csaba Balázsi as this year’s Fellow

The Committee of the American Ceramic Society (ACerS) elected  Dr. Csaba Balázsi, Scientific Advisor of the Institute of Technical Physics and Materials Science, Centre for  Energy Research, Eötvös Loránd Reserach Network as this year’s Fellow. Dr. Balazsi was elected by ACerS on June 1, 2021. The American Ceramic Society (ACerS) has members from 70 countries. The society works to coordinate and help ceramic research by facilitating communication among members, research institutes, scientific organisations, governments. The ACerS …

Ferenc Mezei received the Lise Meitner Award

The Centre for Energy Research (EK-CER) is proud to announce and congratulate to Professor Ferenc Mezei, who has received the 2021 Gothenburg Lise Meitner Award, a prestigious prize of the Chalmers University of Technology (Gothenburg, Sweden, Ferenc Mezei has strong relations and long history with EK-CER and the Budapest Research Reactor (BRR) as a part of it. His major inventions as mentioned in the awarding laudation “For the inventions of the neutron spin echo method …

Dr. Katalin Balázsi was elected as Fellow by the European Ceramic Society

The Committee of the European Ceramic Society (ECERS) unanimously elected  Dr. Katalin Balázsi, Head of Thin Film Physics Department of the Institute of Technical Physics and Materials Science, Centre for  Energy Research, Eötvös Loránd Reserach Network as this year’s Fellow. Dr. Balazsi was elected at the ECERS meeting on February 17, 2021. The European Ceramic Society (ECerS) has more than 3,000 members in 24 European and three associated countries. The society works to coordinate and help ceramic …