We are going as well! – The Orion spacecraft will be launched with CER dosimeters on board on top of the SLS rocket, as part of the first Artemis mission

The dosimeters of the Space Research Department of the ELKH Centre for Energy Research (CER) are also part of the experiment that takes place in the first mission of NASA’s Artemis program. The mission will provide key data on the cosmic radiation field for the future creation of human crewed spacecraft, a lunar orbiting space station, and a lunar base. Ready to launch According to the latest information, the launch window for the first phase …

Starting power plant design

At a livestreamed event in Brussels on 5 July 2022, EUROfusion will celebrate the start of conceptual design activities for Europe’s first demonstration fusion power plant DEMO. This first-of-a-kind fusion device would demonstrate the net production of 300 to 500 megawatts of clean and safe fusion energy to the grid by the middle of the century. The Horizon EUROfusion event is the first in a planned annual series where the EUROfusion consortium celebrates European progress …

Dr. Csaba Balázsi was elected as Academician at the World Academy of Ceramics

Dr. Csaba Balázsi, scientific advisor of the Institute of Technical Physics and Materials Science, ELKH Centre for Energy Research was elected as Academician of the World Academy of Ceramics „ for outstanding contributions to ceramic science for applications ranging from engineering to biomedical fields and his outstanding efforts in collaboration and outreach for the ceramic community”. The formal induction ceremony held in Perugia (Italy) during the Inaugural Session of CIMTEC 2022 on June 21, 2022. …

Béla Faragó became an external member of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences

Dr. Béla Faragó, head of the International Scientific Advisory Committee of BNC, distinguished scientist of Institute Laue Langevin (ILL), was elected as external member of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (HAS) in 2019. It was only 27 April, 2022 that Dr. Faragó’s membership was celebrated at HAS in Budapest. On this occasion academician Professor György Mihály, president of the Section of Physical Sciences of HAS praised the new member’s scientific career and academician Ferenc Mezei …

International and National Recognition – the fruit of the collaboration between the members of the CER NSD and the RRSP NBI CFD

An event called Technical Meeting on Nuclear Forensics: From National Foundations to Global Impact was held at the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) from 11 to 14 April 2022, with the participation of members from the CER Nuclear Security Department (NSD) and the staff of the RRSP National Bureau of Investigation Criminal Forensic Department (NBI CFD). The aim of the event was to provide a platform for the nuclear forensic laboratories of different nations, where …

Heritage Sciences at the Budapest Neutron Centre

Last week saw the first in-person round table discussion of heritage sciences at the Budapest Neutron Centre (BNC) for some time. Happily, 14 colleagues from across the BNC were able to attend including two new members who will also be contributing to research in heritage sciences: Zoltán Kovács has joined the Institute of Technical Physics and Materials Science from Eötvös Loránd University, and brings his expertise in SEM analysis and geochemistry, while John Gait joins …

European researchers set a fusion energy record with Hungarian participation

Record results announced today are the clearest demonstration in a quarter of a century of the potential for fusion energy to deliver safe and sustainable low-carbon energy. Researchers from the EUROfusion consortium – 4,800 experts, students and staff from across Europe, co-funded by the European Commission and including researchers from ELKH Centre for Energy Research in Hungary – used the Joint European Torus (JET) device to release a record 59 megajoules of sustained fusion energy. …

First results emerging from the new European activity for standardisation of industrial residual stress characterisation

Since the beginning of 2021, Centre for Energy Research have been engaged in the EU-project EASI-STRESS with partners from industry, academia and research and technology organisations (RTOs). Now, the results of the first measurements are becoming public. Residual stresses in metals may lead to catastrophic failures under fatigue processes and they are of key importance across all industrial sectors where metals are used, e.g. within the transportation and energy sectors. Neutrons and synchrotron x-rays penetrate …

Crucial Hungarian Development for the Lunar Gateway

The Gateway space station, to be built in orbit around the Moon in the mid-2020s, will not be protected by the Earth’s magnetic field or the atmosphere; hence, astronauts could be exposed to up to 700 times the radiation dose of an average human on Earth from space radiation. Therefore, Gateway will be provided with a radiation shield and the dose to the crew will be monitored continuously. The Internal Dosimetry Array (IDA) experiment of …

Researchers from CER have successfully trapped visible light into graphene

The “Forefront” research group at the Centre for Energy Research of the Eötvös Loránd Research Network, led by Levente Tapasztó, has realized for the first time graphene plasmons in the visible frequency range, using nanoengineered graphene structures. The results have been published in the prestigious Nature Nanotechnology journal. As a first application of visible-frequency graphene plasmons, the researchers were able to demonstrate the optical detection of specific molecules with three orders of magnitude higher sensitivity …