A delegation from China with 12 members visited the HUN-REN Centre for Energy Research on 29 of November 2024. The purpose of the visit was to establish a cooperation agreement between the HUN-REN CER and the China Institute for Atomic Energy (CIAE). The Chinese delegation integrated the leaders and scientist of the CIAE, a member of the leadership of the China National Nuclear Corporation (CNNC), Mr. Wang Xuejun and his colleagues.

Visit of the Chinese delegation at the HUN-REN CER
In the framework of the visit, Dr. Ákos Horváth, Director General introduced the capabilities and scientific research areas of the HUN-REN CER, and Mr. Wang Xuejun from the CNNC described the main activities and projects of the CNNC and the CIAE. The CNNC, CIAE and the HUN-REN CER agreed in the cooperating areas and signed the Memorandum of Understanding. During the visit the delegation from China visited the Budapest Research Reactor and the scientific laboratories of the Nuclear Security Department focusing on research in the fields of nuclear detection and nuclear forensics.

Signing of the cooperation agreement with the director of CIAE
The scientific aims of the cooperation are to share experience and good practices related to nuclear security including radiation detection and response to criminal or other intentional unauthorized act involving nuclear or other radioactive material outside of regulatory control (MORC) including radiological crime scene management and nuclear forensics; joint scientific research activities and method development in the field of nuclear forensics and novel developments and testing on radiation detection technologies; to organize inter-laboratory comparison exercises and development of analytical capabilities; scientific research on radioactive waste characterization; to promote technical exchanges on nuclear safeguards and nuclear security.

Mr Wang Xuejun from CNNC leadership and Dr. Ákos Horváth Director General, HUN-REN CER